Thursday, June 17, 2010

TripleQuikAds - Online Advertising Review


Triple Quik Ads Review

I kept hearing about all these people raving about the launch
of a new online advertising opportunity using an innovative
mailing system and uniquely powerfuly Reverse 3-UP Compensation
Plan.  I simply had to check it out.

I was so impressed with the opportunity that I contacted the
folks running it to introduce myself and "get to know" them.  
They were open and honest with me, and explained the innovative
mailing list, passive advertising system and absolutely
astounding compensation plan in detail to me.

You simply MUST check this out!

CLICK HERE for TripleQuikAds

But wait, there are 2 things you should know before heading over

1) You can JOIN for FREE.
2) You can EARN for FREE.

I've seen many great opportunities and I can honestly tell
you that this one will blow your mind!  They are challenging
everything we know about the online advertising industry, and
taking it to a Whole NEW Level!

CLICK HERE - TripleQuikAds

See You at the TOP!
Scott OBrien
Skype Me: AskScottOBrien
Look me up on Facebook


Monday, May 17, 2010

Automated Traffic Review

Automated Ads Review

Have you gotten caught up in the fuss
over the new Automated Advertising "Bot"
It's a system to automate your advertising
by getting more traffic to the ads that are
profitable for you...automatically.

This is actually pretty cool, so pay attention!

===>> What IS Automated Ads and what can it do?

Its a site preloaded with banners for the different
categories at ClickBank. You simply plug in your
ClickBank ID, and the system generates banners
all pointing to your affiliate link.

Once you have selected your category, size of
banner, and number of banners to rotate,
Automated Ads does the rest.

Banners are shown based on their performance
which makes your campaigns more and more
profitable over time.

Another really cool feature is Automated Ads
will automatically test out new popular ClickBank
products as they are added to ClickBank for you.

So once you set this up, you never have to worry
about which offers are converting for you or not,
nor do you have to continually monitor what
ClickBank has to offer. Affiliate marketing
couldn't get any easier!

===>> How much does it cost?
Here's the best part...right now it's FREE.

The downside to the free application, however,
is that you can't rotate any of your own banners to
your own sites, or banners to sites not currently
in the program.

The upside is that you can upgrade your account
and have free reign at adding whatever banners
you want. Plus, you'll also get 4 other scripts
and software tools that allow you to automate
your traffic, and ultimately your sales!

Anyway, you can check it out here:


Looks like a potential "game-changer" to me.

Depending on how this takes off, you may see it
down the road costing $47/month, so grab it for FREE
while you can.